Hampton Township

Hall Rental

Downtown Development Authority Information

Barroom Only

Max Occupancy: 64

Rental Fee: $150
Deposit: $100
Cost: $250

Rental Fee: $250
Deposit: $100
Cost: $300

Hall & Kitchen

Max Occupancy: 164

Rental Fee: $350
Deposit: $100
Cost: $450

Rental Fee: $400
Deposit: $100
Cost: $500

Hall, Kitchen, & Barroom

Max Occupancy: 64

Rental Fee: $450
Deposit: $100
Cost: $550

Rental Fee: $500
Deposit: $100
Cost: $600

Community Building

Max Occupancy: 64

Rental Fee: $250
Deposit: $100
Cost: $350

Rental Fee: $300
Deposit: $100
Cost: $400

Township Resident (5+ Years) Rental Benefits

50th Wedding Anniversary (5+ years current Township Resident: Free*
80th Birthday and Older (One Time Rental): Free*
Funeral Meals (5+ years current Township Resident: Free
Deposit & Security applies for FREE rentals too: $100

Rental Information

Political Event: See chart (NEED THIS CHART)
Charitable Events: See chart (NEED THIS CHART)
Hall: Table/Chairs – 8 round, 48 8-ft long, 220 chairs
Senior Building: Tables – 8 round, 8 8-ft long

Hall Rental Information

Fire Code

Maximum Capacity
164 People Allowed in the Hall
64 People Allowed in the Barroom
150 People Allowed in the Senior Citizens Center

Hall and Kitchen Rules

Hall and kitchen must be cleaned by person/group after the use of the hall. Tables and chairs must be wiped and returned to closet and floors swept. Failure to clean items WILL result in loss of the security deposit.

All hall rental rules MUST be followed.

All meetings must end prior to 9:00 pm and the hall vacated by 10:00 pm.

No alcohol unless security is present.

Hall and kitchen must be cleaned by person/group after the use of the hall. Tables and chairs must be wiped and returned to closet and floors swept.

Senior Citizens groups from the Township may use the hall free of charge if their event’s attendance is expected to be greater than the capacity of the Senior Center.

If the hall is to be used to support a specific individual such as through a “For the benefit of…” type fundraiser, the individual benefited must be a Township resident.

All hall rental rules will be followed. All meetings must end prior to 9:00 pm and the hall vacated by 10:00 pm. All hall rental for *charitable events must be approved by the Township Board.
*Charitable organization means a legal entity which is organized pursuant to State law as a non-profit organization and which is also recognized by the IRS as either a charitable tax-exempt entity, or which has been granted 501C3 status or alternately is not for profit that operates in the Township such as a homeowner or condominium association or school booster club.

Kitchen Rules

These rules apply to all individuals who use the Kitchen Facilities of Hampton Township.

Remove all grease and spills from:
A. The Stove Tops
B. The Ovens
C. The Walls
D. The Floors

Remove the spill pans under the burners with new foil and also line the ovens with new foil, if needed.

Clean the refrigerator, wipe up all the spills, wipe all the counter and table tops in the kitchen.

Sweep and mop the kitchen floor. The broom, dustpan and mop are in the kitchen closet by the door.

The above items are required before damage deposit will be refunded in full. Cooks must leave the kitchen as they found it. Exhaust fan above the stove must be on when cooking.
A fire suppression system is located in the hood of the stove. The activation “pull” is located on the wall by the exit in the kitchen. This is for your safety. In the event of a range top fire, the system will activate automatically. It can also be activated by hand.

Please under no circumstances, other than an emergency, activate the fire suppression system.

Thank you for your cooperation!!

Other Hall Rental Information

Hall must be empty by 1:00 a.m.; Allow enough time to remove your personal belongings.

No tape allowed on the walls.

No helium balloons for decorations due to the ceiling fans that must remain on.

Candles can be used only with prior approval from the Fire Department. (For approval, take a sample of the candles to be used to the Fire Department.)

No alcohol unless security is present.

All table tops, floors, surfaces used must be cleaned off before leaving the hall for the night.

Music must stop at 12:30 a.m. Bar closes at 12:00 a.m.; No pitchers of beer after 11:30 p.m.

Cooks must leave the kitchen as they found it. Exhaust fan above the stove must be on when cooking.

Hall can be decorated on Friday for week-end event (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) providing that the Hall is available. Citizen Building may be decorated after 3:00 p.m. if not in use.

You are responsible for the Hall from the time it is open until it is closed; we will only open once on the day of the rental.

A fire suppression system is located in the hood of the stove. The activation “pull” is located on the wall by the exit in the Kitchen. This is for your safety. In the event of a range top fire, the system will activate automatically. It can also be activated by hand.

Please under no circumstances, other than an emergency, activate the fire suppression system.