Hampton Township



Donna Samyn, MiCPT

Office: 989-893-7541
Fax: 989-893-6152
Email: treasurer@hamptonmi.net

Treasurer Information

“The Treasurer shall perform all duties required of the position by law, this Charter, and the Board of Trustees.”

Treasurer’s Duties, In Part

  • Serves as the chief financial officer of the Township. (This position requires that a surety bond be posted)
  • Responsible for collecting real and personal property taxes as warranted by the Assessor, depositing and dispersing such funds to the appropriate government entities.
  • Responsible for the collection of delinquent personal property taxes and issuing jeopardy assessments (when necessary) in collecting property tax.
  • Prepare an account of township receipts (revenues) and expenditures. Prepare an account of where all
  • Township funds are invested in approved institutions and instruments to maximize the rate of return .
  • Collects mobile home specific tax.
  • Issues and reviews all Township checks.