Hampton Township

Video/Cable Television Complaints

Video/Cable Television Complaints

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is responsible for the implementation and oversight of Public Act 480 of 2006, the Uniform Video Services Local Franchise Act. Under this Act, the MPSC provides a video/cable television dispute resolution process, which allows customers to file a complaint when they are unable to resolve their video/cable television complaints with their provider.

The MPSC web page below include information on the complaint process, the Act, a current listing of active video/cable providers in Michigan, as well as other important information. How To File A Complaint (michigan.gov) www.michigan.gov/mpsc/consumer/telecommunications/video/complaints

Consumer Tips – Filing a Video/Cable Television Complaint

Consumers should first contact their video/cable provider to discuss their complaint. If a resolution cannot be reached, contact the MPSC for help in dealing with the video/cable provider.

Click here to find a local cable provider near you
Customers have several options for filing their video/cable television complaint with the MPSC. Complaints can be filed online, by telephone, by fax, or by mail.

Michigan Public Service Commission
Attn: Video Franchise
PO Box 30221
Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: 800-292-9555
Fax: 517-284-8200
Online: see webpage above

The MPSC does not have authority regarding satellite television or internet services. For issues with these services, please contact either the Federal Trade Commission at 877-382-4357 or www.ftc.gov, or the Michigan Attorney General’s Office at 877-765-8388.