Hampton Township

Zoning Board of Appeals


Ruth Noble


Craig Howell


Kimberly Spyhalski


Louis DuRussel


Jason Holsapple


Brad Wood

Zoning Board of Appeals Information

The Board of Zoning Appeals is created under the authority of the Zoning Ordinance [reference Chapter XXIII pages 1-6] and its duties and responsibilities are provided for under law, specifically Act 207 Public Acts of 1921. As set forth in the Zoning Ordinance the Board of Zoning Appeals shall, in part, have the power to interpret, upon request, any provision of the Zoning Ordinance in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the Ordinance and to authorize, upon appeal, specific variances from such requirements as lot area and dimension, building height and bulk, yard and depth regulations and parking and load requirements.

The five members to the Board of Zoning Appeals are appointed to staggered three year terms by the Township Supervisor.

Documents & Minutes